Gratitude is the gateway to more joy, more resilience, more connection.
Expressing and receiving gratitude feels good.
Studies show that giving and feeling gratitude:
- increases positive emotions
- reduces the risk of depression
- heightens relationship satisfaction
- increases connection with others, and
- increases resilience in the face of stressful life events
Each day I’ll share a gratitude practice that you can do in about 10 minutes a day, along with some ideas of how to go deeper.
In my 7 Days of Gratitude guide, you’ll find quick and easy gratitude practices that can increase positivity and make you feel the power of gratitude. And because we’ll also be expressing gratitude to others, you can spread love and joy to those around you!
When you’re done, you can choose a few of the practices to continue, repeat them all or just choose one to focus on daily.
A free, virtual experience to help you build gratitude practices into your day.
What to Expect:
"7 Days of Gratitude" Guide
As soon as you sign up, you’ll receive my 7 Days of Gratitude Guide with the daily practices. Each practice can be done in around 10-15 minutes. Plus, for each exercise I’ll provide a way to take the exercise deeper if you desire.
Daily Email Prompts
You’ll also receive a daily email for 7 days with instructions for the practice of the day. If you have questions or thoughts, you’ll be able to hit reply and ask away. I’ll respond personally.
Daily Videos
Watch daily videos and follow along with the prompts in your email.
Please don’t hesitate to email me back at any time with questions, or to share what you’ve discovered or loved.
I’m excited to have you join me. The simple and fun activities we’ll do together can easily be added to your day and you can do them over and over to feel more gratitude … and all the good things that come along with it.