From Heart to Paper
Private Coaching and Support for Writing Letters From Your Heart
The people you care about are so important to you.
So many people have touched your life – children, parents, siblings, your partner, mentors and friends – and you want to share the feelings in your heart with them in a way that lets them really feel all your love, care and gratitude.
And you wonder if they truly know how you feel about them.

But maybe thinking about sharing the depth of your feelings is vulnerable.
Or writing from your heart feels awkward, and you struggle to find the right words.
So you put it off.
Let me show you how to put your love down on paper and share the feelings in your heart.
Imagine writing a letter to your partner or relative to show them what you admire about and hope for them.
Imagine writing a letter to your child for a birthday or as they head off to the first day of high school or graduate from college.
Imagine sharing your gratitude with a mentor or colleague who has helped you along your path, a favorite uncle, or the friend who always has your back.
As a transformative writing coach, my mission is to help you connect more deeply with the special people in your life through exploration of your stories and shared experiences.
Learn how to write a letter from your heart with my support.
Your letter will create…
- The confidence to know you’ve touched your loved ones with your words; that you’ve shared what matters with them and that they heard you and are grateful for your love.
- A place to share family history or wisdom to guide your child before a big job interview or to show them what you hope for them and how you love them.
- Deeper connection and stronger bonds between you and the people you care about.
- New skills in using stories to connect with special people in a way that is joyful, fun and meaningful to them and creates happiness for you.
- The tools to write Letters from your Heart on your own, to more special people in your life.
Together in your Heart to Paper Package we will:
Recall and record the stories and experiences you’ve shared with one special person in your life
Explore your love, gratitude, hopes and dreams for that person and your relationship.
Compile the most meaningful moments and feelings into a Letter from your Heart – a treasure that they can return to over and over to feel your love and support.
Are you ready to share your love and gratitude in a way that feels good for your reader and you?
Let’s write together.
Your one-to-one Heart to Paper package is just $167
When I set out to write a letter to my 16 year old daughter, I had no idea the wonderful internal journey Melanie would take me on. Not only will writing the letter be a treasure for my daughter, but the experience has been a wonderful memory for me. Recollecting memories and soul-filing times spent and putting them to paper was a deep and connecting experience. Melanie knows how to guide you to the meaning of what your heart wants to express and helps you confidently find the words to convey the emotions of your stories. I am so grateful for this experience and highly recommend time with Melanie for this amazing gift of Heart to Paper Letters!
Melanie was just amazing and sensitively guided me through the art of writing a letter to my son for graduation from college. Her passion and belief in what she is doing was evident through the entire process. With Melanie’s support and encouragement and genuine caring, the process of writing felt so very satisfying. I look forward to more opportunities to work with Melanie again. She really is a master!
Your From Heart to Paper Package Includes:
Letter-Writing Guide and Brainstorming Outline
Before we meet, you’ll receive my Deepening Connections with Legacy Letters workbook where you’ll see examples of letters and a template of how to write a beautiful letter.
You’ll also get a one page Brainstorming Outline with questions to help you think about what you want to say and how you want your reader to feel when they read your letter. The Brainstorming Outline will ask you to answer some short questions that will enhance our one-to-one coaching sessions.
Clarity of Your Heart: One to One Coaching Session
This laser-focused 50-minute coaching session will help you get crystal clear on what you want to say and how to say it in your letter.
Private coaching allows you to go deep quickly and figure out what it is you really want to say. Together we’ll explore why you’re writing to your reader and how you want them to feel when they read your letter.
We’ll also discuss how to find and use stories to use in your letter to make your letter readable and impactful. We’ll brainstorm stories you want to use to show what you want to say.
Together we’ll create an outline of your letter using an easy to follow template.
By the end of your Clarity of Your Heart Session you’ll have the tools to turn your thoughts into a draft letter.
Review and Editing of your Letter to Connect
Over the one to two weeks after your first coaching session, you’ll craft your letter using your outline and the stories you identified in your Clarity of Your Heart Session. Two days before your next coaching session you’ll share your draft letter with me and I will carefully review it and prepare detailed comments for you.
From Heart to Paper: One to One Coaching Session
One to two weeks after our first session we’ll meet for another 50-minute personalized coaching session. You’ll get my detailed comments and suggestions to help you make your letter more impactful. Together we’ll go over your letter and polish it into a gift that’s more valuable than anything you could buy.
After your Heart to Paper Session, you’ll have a beautiful gift AND you’ll be able to confidently write letters from your heart at any time. And you can write to the people you love over and over, with each letter adding stronger bonds and deeper connections, love and gratitude.
Are you ready to deepen connections and share gratitude?
Let’s write together.
Your one-to-one Heart to Paper package is just $167
When my mom approached her 85th birthday, Melanie recommended that I write her a Letter From My Heart, which subsequently turned into a photo book. It features all of our favorite mother/daughter experiences, with the Letter unfolding cleverly on each page. Memories we shared, lessons I learned, traits I admire, my profound love and respect for her… all captured into a perfect keepsake. For my mom, of course, it was an absolute treasure, but the unexpected gift that I received was the experience of reviewing and processing the many aspects of our multifaceted relationship. Kudos to Melanie for this brilliant idea and deftly coaching me. I am forever grateful.
Working with Melanie to write a Letter From Your Heart will have a lasting and positive impact on you. This is not just a “one-off” exercise. You will learn how to set the foundation for the lifelong practice of writing special messages for special people. You will receive expert direction and will come out on the other end with a whole new perspective of writing about what really matters and how to deepen connections with people who you care about.

Hi, I’m Melanie.
I’m a transformative writing coach helping you use your stories to connect with people who matter to you. My passion is teaching and empowering you to write meaningful letters to share love, wisdom, gratitude and hopes and dreams with the people you care about. The result – deeper connections, stronger relationships and enhanced gratitude. I’ve had the honor to work with hundreds of wonderful people both in groups and one-to-one, and every Heart Letter I’ve read has touched me deeply. I can’t wait to see whose life you will touch.