Journal with Me: Fresh Start
Last week, I wrote about taking some time to assess and dream as we shift seasons and move into September. Today, I encourage you to think about making a fresh start. Think about fresh starts you’ve had in your life—a new school year, a new home, a new job, or perhaps...
Why September Is a Great Time to Dream Big
September is a time for fresh starts. Whether you have kids going back to school or teach or are starting a program yourself, most of us have September ingrained as a time when something new starts. We’re moving out of the summer months—summer weather, summer...
Journal with Me: Pivoting
Pivot points are the turning points in your life, the “Forks in the Road.” These pivot points can be big or small but they are the events, experiences, or insights that have shaped your life and its direction. Pivot points can be as big as getting married, changing...