I’ve been writing about gratitude a lot lately. That’s because gratitude has super powers. Not only does giving and receiving gratitude feel good, it helps build your optimism and self-worth and counteracts anxiety and sadness. It makes you more generous and strengthens your relationships. It helps you sleep better! And by rewiring your brain for positivity, it helps you grow your resilience. Can you tell I’m a big fan?

Today is Day 3 in the Gratitude Experience. Here’s what we’re journaling about as part of the experience today:

Simply ask yourself, “What am I grateful for today?”

Write down three things — no long writing required. It can be just a simple list of three things or you can write as much as you want.

I love this practice because, in addition to feeling good when you do it, you can read your list again later. That helps when you’re in a negative loop or just want to savor what’s been good in your life.

Here’s an example of mine from last week (note nothing elegant, just thoughts):

  • Wildflowers! Grateful to the beauty of the green hills around me, the fields of orange poppies and the clear and blue sky
  • Grateful to Chip (husband) for helping me fix the weird sound on my computer
  • Got to speak to Mommy today, I miss her but connecting felt great

Try it out tonight.

Then Reflect

How did you feel ending your day with gratitude?

Did it make you pause and find the good in your life? How did that feel?

I’m honored that Journaling.com has chosen to share my 7 Days of Gratitude eBook as a free gift for all of their members. You can grab your copy here.

Want to feel more engaged and energized? Get your copy of 3 Steps to a Meaningful Life You Love!