How to Find Your Keys to Resilience and Joy
Last week I ran a workshop for a group of folks – the topic was Resilience and we wrote and reflected on our stories to name our strengths and build tools for the future. What the heck does that really mean? What is resilience anyway? How do stories help? What if...
Journal with Me: Darkness as a Gift
Mary Oliver wrote, “Someone I loved once gave me a box full of darkness. It took me years to understand that this, too, was a gift.” Often times when something dark or difficult happens, we want to push it away, out of our thoughts. We bury it as we don’t want...
What Happens When You Don’t Get What You Want
I wrote my first blog post for Wellfleet Circle almost three years ago. It was entitled The Power of Story. It’s no surprise to me that hundreds of blog posts later, The Power of Story and writing for yourself as a way of self-knowledge and growth is still the focus...