Inhale, Learn, Exhale
Do you feel like you’ve been holding your breath? And now that things are changing do you want to take a deep inhale? There’s something about spring that makes me want to take a deep breath, to inhale both physically and metaphorically. Inhaling holds many...
Who Will You Be When This Is All Over?
Stressful times are not on anyone’s wish list, but they can teach us a lot about ourselves and how we handle challenges and loss and change, about what we value, and about what we may be hanging on to that we don’t need. Having my everyday way of life stripped away...
How To Hold the Dark & Light Together
It gets dark so early these days. Every year, I seem to be surprised by the gathering darkness, how quickly it comes on, how early I need to get out with the dog if I don’t want to come home in blackness. Here in the Northern Hemisphere, winter is just beginning, and...