There’s a saying: What you practice grows stronger. That’s fantastic if what you’re practicing is the violin or tennis or gratitude. The human brain has a strong negativity bias, which was helpful when we were always on the lookout for danger from wild animals. Fear...
Self-compassion is an antidote to self-judgement — that tough inner critic in your head. Self-compassion includes the idea of being kind toward yourself as an imperfect human and also recognizing that you are worthy of care and concern. It’s important to note that...
I was walking on the fire road near my home a few days ago, being mindful of the need for social distancing — moving far to my side if someone was walking the other direction. Suddenly, four mountain bikers came at me at high speed, all only two feet from each other...
Loneliness affects more than one-third of American adults. Older adults are particularly vulnerable, but adolescents, and especially freshmen in college, are some of the lonliest people in the U.S. And loneliness is the number one fear of young people today, including...
Mary Oliver wrote, “Someone I loved once gave me a box full of darkness. It took me years to understand that this, too, was a gift.” Often times when something dark or difficult happens, we want to push it away, out of our thoughts. We bury it as we don’t want...