3 Simple Rituals to Boost Meaning This December Rituals help us connect and make meaning or deepen meaning in our lives. We can have rituals around the holidays or the end of the year or in our daily life. Here are a few you might consider in this season. Share...
Journal with Me: Family Stories In last week’s blog, I shared how stories help you build and deepen connection within your family and with friends as well. The holidays are approaching, and this is a great time to share stories with family and friends and ask...
Why Family Stories Are More Important Than You Think I’ve always loved hearing stories. The made up ones my daddy told my sister and me at bedtime, the ones my mom read from books of myths, fairytales and fables, and the ones told to me by parents, my uncle, my...
When my eldest son was in 8th grade, his history teacher assigned the class an oral history project: they were to interview a person who was engaged in World War Two. My son chose my father. My dad escaped the Nazis with his parents; the majority of his family was not...
One of the things I love about spending time with your own story is that it helps you understand things — and see them in a new way. Last week on the blog, I talked about a time in my life that I remembered as one of hurt and anger, but as I explored it in writing, I...