Last week, I wrote about taking some time to assess and dream as we shift seasons and move into September. Today, I encourage you to think about making a fresh start.
Think about fresh starts you’ve had in your life—a new school year, a new home, a new job, or perhaps letting go of something that wasn’t working.
As you consider the fresh start, think about how you felt. Were you excited? Anxious? What emotions did the change bring? How did you feel about the door that was closing as you looked ahead to something new starting?
Picture yourself in that moment of transition, right after (or just before) the change has taken place. Think about your surroundings. Ground yourself in sensory details: What are you wearing? Who is there with you? What do you hear in the place you are in? What do you feel under your feet or touching your skin? What do you smell?
Write it all down.
What don’t you remember? What surprises you about your reaction to this fresh start from the past? Do you feel differently about it now that you did then? What can you learn from this experience about fresh starts in front of you?
If that’s too much to think about, start simply by grounding yourself in one experience, one fresh start. Put the details down on paper. Start there.
Happy Writing,
P.S. Fresh starts require clarity, so if you’re getting excited about the idea of creating a more meaningful, fresh life, you’ll love my free guide, 3 Steps to Having a Meaningful Life You Love to start designing your best life—a life with more energy, engagement, and clarity.