Journal with Me: Focus and Curiosity
Journal with Me: Focus and Curiosity Many mornings I walk on the beach with Murphy, my 5-year-old golden retriever. He’s a wonderful companion and easy to walk with as he is totally focused on retrieving his orange “chuck it” ball. My husband or I throw the ball,...
Journal with Me: Think Like a Beginner
Journal with Me: Think Like a Beginner “In the beginner’s mind there are many possibilities, in the expert’s mind there are few.” Shunryu Suzuki. “The surest way to prevent yourself from learning a topic is to believe you already know it.”...
Journal with Me: Get Curious
Journal with Me: Get Curious In last week’s blog we explored how to navigate through change by building a compass through what you value. But there’s another tool that can help your compass work better. Knowing what provides delight in your day, what weighs you down...