Right now I’m in the middle of teaching two eight-week workshops entitled Write Your Life. I teach at a college near my home to adults ranging in age from 30 to 92! What I have discovered over the three plus years that I’ve been teaching these workshops is that people...
Gratitude has been found to increase positive emotions, reduce the risk of depression, heighten relationship satisfaction, and increase resilience in the face of stressful life events. And those are only some of the benefits. One great way to express AND experience...
This fall, I’m getting my youngest settled for his first year of college, but I remember clearly his first day of kindergarten and all the first days after that. While some things changed—the Buzz Lightyear backpack swapped out for a plain grey one, funky sweaters...
What exactly is a meaningful life and why should I care? I am guessing that each one of us wants to lead a happy life. It turns out that one of the best way to achieve happiness is to live with meaning. But what is meaningful to you may not be what is meaningful to...