Are You On Hold?

Oct 13, 2021 | Design Your Life | 0 comments

Do you ever feel like Bill Murray in the movie Groundhog’s Day, waking up to repeat the same day over and over? In that movie, Phil, played by Mr. Murray, is doomed to repeat each day for what feels like forever. As Phil finds what creates meaning and purpose, and becomes present to all the goodness and wonder around him, he wakes up to a new life and can see the beauty and people that were always all around him.

Over the last year (plus), it sometimes feels like we’re stuck, or on hold. I’ve heard many people mention it feeling like Groundhog’s Day, so maybe emulating Phil would be a good exercise. I don’t mean I want you to wake up everyday to the same day, over and over. I’m suggesting taking advantage of this time to notice all the beauty and wonder and dive into what creates meaning and purpose for YOU.

Let’s play a game of imagination. If you close your eyes and imagine a perfect day, what would it look like? You can imagine a day in your current life or leap into a fantasy world. How would you feel, what would you be doing, who would you be with? What colors do you see, what smells do you smell, what sensations do you have on your skin or in your heart? Don’t over think this – feel your way forward.

Open your eyes and scribble down what you discovered. Are the things you wrote that are in your day now? Or are they experiences, people and places you wish were in your day? Both are great. And all that you discover gives you clues of how to move forward.

What does each thing or the day as a whole tell you about your values or what really matters to you? What does it tell you about what you need more of? Or less?

Maybe you can’t literally experience that perfect day (if going to the moon is on your list, there’s no commercial flight to the moon – well, at least not yet), but you can honor the impulse behind your dreams. Maybe you want to travel, but don’t feel this is the best time. Think about what travel means. Is it novelty or great cuisine? Is it getting away from routine or seeing great beauty? Can you find those things right where you live and take a few hours each week to experience that beauty or novelty. Can you mix up your routine – get up 30 minutes early to savor your coffee while sitting outside or read a book just for pleasure. Can you do something else special to you?

What can you let go of to make room for what you yearn for? What makes you feel dull or exhausted, can you figure out how to shorten the time spent or get rid of the task all together? Or swap a task with a friend, maybe they love to shop but hate to do school pick up, you get the idea. And maybe you’re telling yourself you “have to” do the task. Is that really true? Even changing that thought from “I have to” to “I get to” can change the feeling of the task.

These are small tweaks that add up. But small changes consistently made are powerful. Think of one thing you want to add and one thing to eliminate – give it a few weeks being consistent and see what happens. I’m guessing there’s magic there.

Want to take this practice deeper? Dig deeper into your ideal day along with four other exercises that help you get even clearer on what energizes and engages you and how to bring more of what’s meaningful to you into your day with the Everyday Experience. This self-paced practice brings more joy and meaning to every day. 

Sign up for The Everyday Experience here and get out of your holding pattern.

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Hi, I’m Melanie!

I’m a Journaling and Joy Coach and I believe your story is the key to the life you want.

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