Can Your Internal Compass Help You Navigate Through Change?

“The one constant in our life is change.”
—Dan Gilbert, Professor of Psychology and author.
It feels like things are changing fast again, but in reality change is always occuring. Most of the time we don’t notice change happening as it is slow and subtle, but sometimes it’s right there in your face.
And you’re always reacting to both internal and external circumstances and these create change or opportunities to change. Being more aware of how you’ve dealt with change in the past can help you identify strengths and strategies for NOW and going forward.
Making sure you have a strong internal compass to help guide you through change is critical.
Without that compass you might get sidetracked or lost – that’s because there’s no roadmap to take you from where you are now and what’s next. But by checking in regularly with your strong inner compass you’re likely to find your way even when there’s a lot of change.
Find Your Internal Compass
If I were to ask you, “what do you value?” What would you say? I’m betting you’ve thought about what you value. You may even have a written list.
If you were to look at your list, or write down those core value words right now and look at them, how would you feel?
Would you feel resonance in your core? Not in your head – do you feel it in your gut and your heart? That’s where the wisdom to choose your values lives.
Look again at your list (or write a list if you don’t have one – this list of values is a good starting place to choose from) and consider each value word. Does each word inspire you, does it arouse strong positive emotion, can you feel it somewhere in your body? If so, that word is a keeper.
If not, consider why the value is on your list. Is someone else’s voice polluting your contemplation? Or do you feel guilty for wanting something that your inner critic (or someone else) tells you that you don’t deserve or that it’s silly or stupid.
This is important. Knowing what you value and using that in your everyday life can make all the difference. Using your unique values brings a deeper sense of meaning and purpose to your day and life.
Imagine looking back on your life and realizing you chose to be guided by values, ideas and actions that are meaningful and purposeful to YOU. Feel that in your heart.
In The Everyday Experience, Experience Four is all about choosing and defining your values and using them in your everyday life. You’ll get that and four other experiences to help you find your inner compass.
Join now to get the special price AND get a 50% off coupon to share with a friend or family member so you can do the course together. Or give that coupon to your teen or college-age child—these exercises are fabulous for them as well.
Write Into Joy
- Use journaling as a tool to unlock wisdom from your life
- Experience more gratitude, awe, and wonder through reflection
- Discover your own resilience and create a roadmap for future challenges
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Hi, I’m Melanie!

I’m a Journaling and Joy Coach and I believe your story is the key to the life you want.
I guide my clients through intentional processes to find the answers waiting for you in your stories, bringing compassion, deep listening — and fun — to the process.
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