Inhale, Learn, Exhale

Inhale, Learn, Exhale

Do you feel like you’ve been holding your breath? And now that things are changing do you want to take a deep inhale? There’s something about spring that makes me want to take a deep breath, to inhale both physically and metaphorically. Inhaling holds many...
Journal with Me: I can’t. But what if?

Journal with Me: I can’t. But what if?

I’ve been talking a lot about finding what energizes and engages you, what you want more of in your life. Sometimes even making that list is hard. You’re so used to what other people want or expect of you, you may have lost your sense of what really matters to you. Or...
Let Go to Love Your Life More

Let Go to Love Your Life More

What do you want more of in your life? It’s a good question, and maybe you have an answer. If not, I encourage you to think about it or do some journaling on that, because getting really clear on what you want in your life is the first step to having a life you love...
Journal with Me: Connect with How You Want to Feel

Journal with Me: Ideal Day

Imagine your ideal day. Take some time to think about it, to really put yourself in that day.  Start with where and how you would wake up in the morning and think through the whole day until you go to bed. It could be based on a day you’ve lived or one you long for. ...
How to Love Your Life More

How to Love Your Life More

Do you love your life?  If you can respond with a rousing, “Hell yeah!”, congratulations. If you look at your life and feel like you should love it, that it looks good, or you kind of shrug and say, “We all have stuff to deal with,” you’re not alone.  It may not feel...

Want to feel more engaged and energized? Get your copy of 3 Steps to a Meaningful Life You Love!