Over the last two weeks you have explored your values and what matters most to you. If you missed week 1, check it out here, or find week 2 right here. Using that information, below is an exercise to help you set your goals. I find it daunting to think too far ahead so I focus on the next 90 days and then repeat every 90 days. But feel free to set longer term goals – whatever is comfortable for you!
Goals Exploration:
What have been your goals during:
Teen Years?
Young Adulthood?
Middle Years?
Is there a theme to your goals?
Are there personal values that relate to each goal or connect these goals?
OR have your goals changed over time (have your values changed too)?
OR are you somewhere in between?
How do you choose your goals and how do you make sure you achieve them?
Most of us have goals and priorities for work, family and personal lives that might conflict or compete with each other. How do you reconcile these?
There are many ways to explore our values, goals and priorities, below are some thought questions and writing exercises that may be useful.
Step 1:
What are some of the goals you want to accomplish NOW? These can be one time events (visit Rome, walk the John Muir Trail), or skills (learn to have a great Instagram, write poetry), or major life events (visit my college roommate for her 40th birthday, attend my son’s wedding), spiritual, or something else.
Write out ten goals here in random order:
Step 2:
Next to each goal write the value it represents from your top values list you completed earlier this month. If there is no value on your list to correspond to the goal, you need to think about if you have chosen the right values or goals for YOU.
What is your PLAN? Write 3 things that you need to do to make the goal happen. Use your own words, there are no wrong answers and you can keep this to yourself.
Example: If the goal is “host a memorial for father-in-law”, the value(s) might be Caring, Family and Love. The plan might include check with family on calendar availability, write service with sister-in-law, create invitation, etc.
AND a plan is no plan without METRICS, so assign a timeline or other metric so you keep on track. For example, check with family on calendar availability by January 15.
Step 3:
Look over what you have written, is you list of goals in the order of importance to you? What is your top goal? The next? And so on.
Tips, these are similar to the tips for Value sorting:
If you are having a hard time ordering your goals, ask yourself, if I could only satisfy one goal, which one would it be? Write that one down first. Then ask the question again.
Don’t over think this, use your gut.
Write your newly ordered list here:
Did anything surprise you? Did you learn anything about yourself? Are you living your life right now, each day, in a way that leads to achieving your goals? Are your goals in line with your values and priorities?
What can you do in the next 90 days to push yourself along your plan and get closer to achieving your goals?
I hope you’ve enjoyed the exercises from this and the previous two Write With Me newsletters. I’d love to hear what you think. Please hit reply and let me know!
Happy writing,
P.S. Did this exercise make you more excited about the idea of creating a more meaningful life? Download my free guide, 3 Steps to Having a Meaningful Life You Love to start designing your best life with these goals in mind —a life with more energy, engagement, and clarity.