We’re two weeks into the new year, but I’m still setting my intentions and planning my time for 2019. So often we spend lots of time thinking about what we need to do or even what we want to do, what our goals are for the year. And you probably know that I think this work is important. But often we forget to think about how we want to feel and connect that to how we spend our time.
I’ve written the last three blog posts on connecting your values to how you spend your time. You can find them here. Connecting your values to how you spend your time allows you to spend time on the things YOU believe are important.
Today I ask you to get a bit out of your head and connect with your inner wisdom to write about how you want to feel this year and what you’re longing for.
Before you write, please take a few minutes to read the prompts and then do one of the following.
1. While sitting in a chair, place your feet firmly on the floor. Set a timer for 5 minutes. Close your eyes and take a few cleansing breaths. Now just notice the thoughts in your head, let them drift by without stopping or dwelling on them. Just notice. If you feel distracted, try feeling the weight of your body in the chair and your feet on the floor. This helps get you out of your head. When the timer goes off, immediately freewrite for 10 minutes about how you want to feel this year. You can use your freewrite to help you write out answers to the prompts if you wish.
2. Go for a walk in nature. Savor the walk, notice the colors, smells, textures. Feel the air on your face, the sun on your shoulders. Again, let your thoughts drift. Notice but don’t attach yourself to your thoughts. Think of your thoughts as clouds drifting in the sky. When you return home immediately freewrite for 10 minutes about how you want to feel this year. You can use your freewrite to help you write out answers to the prompts if you wish.
Here are the prompts:
1. This year I want to feel ____________ (for example: calm, productive, loved, loving, kind, connected). You do not have to limit yourself to one feeling, but I suggest no more than three main feelings.
Why is this important to me?
How can I set myself up to feel this way?
What would happen if I don’t feel this way?
What help from others do I need?
2. What are the top three things I can do to be successful in feeling the way I want to feel?
3. What can I do today to take a tiny step towards feeling what I want to feel? How can I set myself up to take tiny steps each day? Are there habits or tools or accountability partners that I could use to help me?
Here’s to your best year ever.
Happy writing!
P.S. Did this exercise make you more excited about the idea of creating a more meaningful life? Download my free guide, 3 Steps to Having a Meaningful Life You Love to start designing your best life with these goals in mind —a life with more energy, engagement, and clarity.