What I’ll Give Thanks for Tomorrow

What I’ll Give Thanks for Tomorrow

Thanksgiving is tomorrow, which makes me think of what I am grateful for. This has been a year of high highs and low lows, struggles and fabulous experiences and I am grateful for it all (well maybe not my knee pain holding back my running). Most of all, I am grateful...
5 Easy Steps to Writing a Great Thank You Note

5 Easy Steps to Writing a Great Thank You Note

I enjoy writing thank you notes almost as much as I love receiving them. But sometimes it’s hard to think what to say or how to start. And if you’ve ever had to sit down and write a batch of them, it can feel a little daunting. When I was helping my kids learn...
The Best Graduation Gift

The Best Graduation Gift

Graduation from high school and college are huge milestones. The graduate has put in long hours working, not only on school work, but also on themselves, growing, figuring out who they are and who they want to be. Myriad decisions have been made daily, what club or...

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